1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

In 2001, UNESCO declared 21 May as UN World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development. The day's not intended to find out the uniqueness of different cultures, separating them from each other.Here are a few modest and simple ways to mark the occasion.

Visiting an exhibition or a museum dedicated to other cultures comes first since it may inspire you to create something yourself, and heighten your desire to learn about a new topic or culture.. T or example, you can see the British Museum's collection online, and the National Gallery has a ɑ:gital tour of 18 rooms that lets you get up close to the paintings.

 It's a great way to expand your knowledge of the world. Many traditional folk tales have universal themes, but at the same time, shine a light on particular aspects of another culture. So now might be a great time to dive into the storybooks and read folk tales.

There is perhaps no better way to experience another culture than listening to music. Even if you don't understand the words, you can still hear the influence of other cultures. You could allow yourself to discover music from every corner of the globe , on forums.After all, series of musics are on the air, often with strong international influences.

It never goes without mentioning language while embracing culture diversity. It is relatively easy to have a go at trying a new language through the many smartphone apps or through an online language exchange.

A. Or you could listen to radio programmes.

B. In short, it's never too late to learn a language.

C. You could also appreciate music in foreign films.

D. Remember language serves as a reflection and carrier of culture.

E Learning about traditional stories from other cultures won't disappoint you.

F Even if you can't visit a museum at first hand, you can select virtual exhibitions.

G. Instead, it's a chance to unfold the similarities and celebrate the cultural diversity.

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Once you can speak another language, it will open many doors. Here are five excellent reasons why you should learn a foreign language. Improve your brain healthy. These benefits include a longer attention span, memory improvement, better focus and concentration, and increased listening skills.

Increase your job opportunities. Many companies operate in countries around the world. As well as increasing the number of jobs you can get, the ability to speak a different language also sets you apart from other candidates for potential jobs.

Help you make friends and build relationships. Speaking a different language helps meet new people who also speak that language. As well as building relationships with people who speak that language, it also gives the opportunity to learn more about other cultures. You can participate in exciting and engaging conversations about topics which you may have never discussed before.

When you learn a new language, your brain automatically finds a way to learn more efficiently. Whether you want to learn multiple languages or simply gain more skills, mastering a foreign language can kick your brain into gear to adapt to learning new knowledge and information.

Improve your confidence. During the process of learning a new language, you can learn from your mistakes, find out more about yourself, and challenge yourself. Practicing this language is a great way to get over your insecurities and find it easier to talk to others.

A. Improve your holiday selection.

B. Help you become a better learner.

C. You don't need to rely on translated films or books any longer.

D. Learning a foreign language can do wonders to your courage and determination.

E. This can result in lifelong friendships that you otherwise wouldn't be able to make.

F. Many studies have shown there are plenty of benefits of learning a foreign language.

G. Therefore, hiring employees who can speak at least one foreign language is vital to the company.

任务型阅读 常考题 普通

Tom told himself that 2022 was going to be the year when he finally got his life together. So on New Year's Eve of 2021, he wrote out all of his New Year's resolutions. As Tom was writing them down, he got really excited and even became proud of himself, just for thinking of doing all these things.He took full advantage of his time to work out.

"You're not going to work out when you are tired," Tom told himself. He didn't really feel like eating salad. What he felt like eating was a big, juicy burger. And again Tom told himself that "I've been working really hard over the past few weeks. I deserve a day off."

Over the next few weeks, Tom's good habits started to slow down. He started to sleep in a little bit. He would skip a gym session occasionally, and then almost all of Tom's good habits were gone.

Personally, I can totally relate with Tom, and some of you probably can too. Why did Tom and most people not stick with their good new habit?You might ask yourself, "Well, how can I really acquire it?" Honestly, there isn't a simple answer to this, but the best answer is to just think about what you are committing to.

Creating great habits is kind of building a house. Your habits are like bricks.Without it, that house will definitely collapse and you will probably end up exactly where you left off. That is exactly what sets successful people apart from unsuccessful people.

A. Why did his New Year's resolutions fall apart?

B. Basically he ended up exactly where he started.

C. Commitment is like the glue that holds bricks in place.

D. However, one day he found himself gaining 7 kilograms.

E. As the New Year came around, Tom started off really strong.

F. However, one day after work, he didn't really feel like going to the gym.

G. The main reason is that they don't possess something called commitment.

任务型阅读 常考题 普通

Pets are an important part of our lives, staying with us and providing unconditional love. We find so much joy with them. . But some useful tips may help you get through the loss of a beloved pet.

. The death of your pet may be a heavy blow to you. You may experience a range of feelings, from sadness to anger, guilt to despair for a long time. Our sadness is a proof to how much we love our pets. It's important to give yourself as much time as you need to recover.

Talk to a sympathetic listener. , so it's not surprising that many people see the loss of their pets as comparable to losing human friends or relatives. For many, talking to a sympathetic listener can help them accept their loss. Seek help from those who understand or have experienced your emotions if necessary.

Consider a ceremony. The love for your pets never has to end. They can live on in your heart and memory forever. Although you miss them deeply, it can be helpful to honour them and celebrate the wonderful time you spent together. Many people choose to hold some sort of ceremony. . You might have a simple and personal ceremony between family members or a bigger, more celebratory occasion that involves a wider circle of friends. For some of us, having a larger ceremony is a way to express how much a pet is a central part of daily life. .

A. Recover with Dr. Time's help

B. Beat the heavy blow with confidence

C. That's why we feel deep sorrow when a pet dies

D. But there is no one-size-fits-all response to death and loss

E. Pets are increasingly viewed as important family members

F. Pets, as everybody knows, help their owners get rid of loneliness

G. Making photo books of your pets can be another way of remembering them

任务型阅读 常考题 普通